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Purdeep Sangha

The Complete Man

"Unlock Your Factors - Transform Your Success Story!"

Purdeep Sangha

The Complete Man

"Unlock Your Factors - Transform Your Success Story!"

Narrated by

Purdeep Sangha




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In The Complete Man, Purdeep Sangha reveals the key strategies and practical action steps for ultimate personal performance and success in your business or career, passion in your relationships, and fulfillment in every area of life. To make this happen, you’ll learn to master life’s three fundamental frameworks:

  • The Achievement Framework through which you achieve your goals and ambitions faster and easier.
  • The Performance Framework, a system to consistently perform at your highest potential.
  • The Fulfillment Framework which includes the strategies to master your thoughts, feelings and energy to live a truly passionate, joyful and complete life.

You’ll discover everything you need to know to unlock your unique power to attract and realize your biggest dreams!

Purdeep Sangha

Purdeep is a world-renowned strategic advisor, best-selling author, and TV show host known for his expertise in business strategy and personal performance. With a expansive career spanning from a young age, he’s empowered CEOs, executives, and entrepreneurs to achieve ULTRA performance and success. His holistic approach integrates work and life, making him an ideal guide for individuals seeking excellence in both realms.

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Purdeep Sangha

The Complete Man

"Unlock Your Factors - Transform Your Success Story!"

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